Trend detection applied
to every local market

Analyze markets zip by zip. Effortlessly track, research, and analyze local real estate market prices nationwide by property type in just seconds.


Standardized by Zip Code

Each price marker is placed at the center of each zip code's coordinates. These markers reflect the most recent last sold price per square foot in that zip code and are updated as soon as new data comes in. Simply hover over each price marker to reveal the corresponding zip code.


Uncover local trends in real time

Effortlessly navigate between local markets by clicking on the price markers to get a quick glimpse of how a certain type of property is performing. We cover the four main types of properties sold in the residential market.






Dig into local markets,

Click the Full Analysis button to dive deeper into detailed information about sold prices, market activity, and demographics data for each zip code.

Median $/Sqft Sold Trends

Median Sold Trends

Sold Volume Trends

Individual Properties Sold

Sold Price vs Year Built Metrics

Sold Property Age Distribution

Percentage and Value Changes

Full Demographics Analysis



Access demographics data specific to each zip code.

Home Ownership

Median Income

Population Age

Race & Ethnicity

Marital Status

Education and Unemployment


Screen Sold Properties

Utilize the Property Screener tool to filter all sold properties up to two years ago by property type within a zip code. Narrow down your criteria based on the number of beds and baths.


Perform Comps, Swiftly

Input your prospective property address into the Comps section, and Plexerr will promptly retrieve comparables sold within a specified radius or a zip code, providing instant measurements of comps against your subject property.


Your List, and CSV Downloads

Add properties of interest that you wish to monitor to your list and download it as needed. You can include data from either the Screener or the Comps section for tracking and analysis


Property URL

Click on the property URL link icon next to each property record, and Plexerr will automatically input the corresponding address into either one of the top three leading real estate websites. This allows you to easily access more specific details and view pictures of the property.

Opens in New Tab

Please note that Plexerr provides links to third-party real estate websites for your convenience. We do not control or endorse the content, accuracy, or availability of these external sites. Users are encouraged to verify all information independently.

Data Coverage


Available in 38 States

Our platform is built on sold property data prices. Currently, we provide sold property data for all 38 states where sale prices are publicly disclosed by local counties.

11,000+ Zip Codes Covering Officially Incorporated Cities and Towns Across 38 States

Incorporated cities or towns are defined as areas with a population of at least 5,000 residents, representing where the majority of the U.S. population resides.

Our covered zip codes encompass 92% of the total population across these 38 states.


New Data Uploaded Daily

Newly sold properties are added to the platform often within hours of appearing in MLS records. Our information is updated daily and meticulously sourced
to ensure accuracy and timeliness.

20+ MM Sold Property Records

Sold property records are added to our database daily, continuously expanding our comprehensive dataset.

7+ years of historical data

Plexerr currently provides up to 7 years of price data, varying by zip code, covering from 2018 to the present day and continuing to expand.


Start making smarter decisions,
Choose a plan


$0 /month

If you're Curious about Real Estate


Limited Last Sold Data Map

6-Month Historical Price Trend Data

Data Coverage in 38 states



$12 /month

If you're Serious about Real Estate

Everything in Free, plus:

Unlimited Access to Data Map

Full Market Analysis by Zip Code

Up to 7 Years of Historical Price Data

Demographics Data Per Zip Code

Property Screener

Property Comps

My List & CSV Downloads

Free Tier

Cancel anytime

Fast Email Support

More Details on Plans


$0 /month

If you're Curious about Real Estate

Data Coverage in 38 states

Last Sold Data Map

4 Property Types

Latest Sold Price Per Sqft in Every Zip Code

Median Sold Price Per Sqft Trend Analysis: Past 6 Months

Full Market Analysis by Zip Code

Property Screener

Property Comps

My List

CSV Downloads


$12 /month

If you're Serious about Real Estate

Data Coverage in 38 states

Last Sold Data Map

4 Property Types

Latest Sold Price Per Sqft in Every Zip Code

Median Sold Price Per Sqft Trend Analysis: Past 6 Months

Full Market Analysis by Zip Code

Median Sold Price Per Sqft Trend Analysis: Past 7 Years

Median Sold Price Trend Analysis: Past 7 Years

Sold Volume Chart Analysis: Past 7 Years

Individual Sold Properties List in Selected Zip Code: Past 2 Years

Sold Price vs. Price Per Sqft Scatter Chart: Past 2 Years

Age Distribution: Quantity Sold vs. Year Built: Past 2 Years

Median Price Per Sqft vs. Year Built: Past 2 Years

Median Sold Price vs. Year Built: Past 2 Years

Total Population by Zip Code

Home Ownership Ratio by Zip Code

Total Housing Units by Zip Code

Median Household Income and Income Distribution by Zip Code

Median Population Age and Age Distribution by Zip Code

Race and Ethnicity Data by Zip Code

Marital Status by Zip Code

Education Level Data and Distribution by Zip Code

Labor Force Participation Percentage by Zip Code

Poverty Guidline Percentage by Zip Code

Median Commute Time Reported by Zip Code

Property Screener

4 Property Types

Screen by Zip Code

Filter by Beds & Baths

Screen Sold Properties up to Past 2 Years

Property Comps

4 Property Types

Pull Comps around an Address up to Past 2 Years

Pull Comps Sold in same Zip Code up to Past 2 Years

Property Comparables Analysis

Property Comparables Time Series Analysis

Property Comparables Sold Price Per Sqft vs Year Built Chart

Property Comparables Sold Price vs Year Built Chart

Individual Comparabels Sold List

My List

Save Screened Properties from the Screener to your List

Save Comparable Properties from the Property Comparables to Your List

CSV Downloads

Download Individual Properties directly from the Property Screener results

Download Individual Properties directly from the Property Comparable results

Download Saved Properties from Your List


Below are live demo videos that showcase the features and functionalities of the major Pro tabs in detail. These videos provide a comprehensive overview of the platform's capabilities.

We suggest playing the videos at 1.5x speed


Detect your next big deal

Start Today


Why use Plexerr?

How does Plexerr help me as Real Estate professional?

How accurate and comprehensive is Plexerr's data?

Why do some zip codes seem to have incomplete or non-continuous data charts?

Why use Plexerr?

How does Plexerr help me as Real Estate professional?

How accurate and comprehensive is Plexerr's data?

Why do some zip codes seem to have incomplete or non-continuous data charts?

Unlock America's Housing Market

Unlock America's Housing Market

The Real Estate Market Data Platform for Investors, Agents, Lenders and Appraisers.

The Real Estate Market Data Platform for Investors, Agents, Lenders and Appraisers.

Streamline and Accelerate your real estate market research and analysis. Access standardized sold property data, view real-time price trends, analyze demographics data, perform comps, CSV exports and more—all in one convenient platform.

Streamline and Accelerate your real estate market research and analysis. Access standardized sold property data, view real-time price trends, analyze demographics data, perform comps, CSV exports and more—all in one convenient platform.

4 Main Property Types

11,000+ zips

38 States


4 Main Property Types

11,000+ zips

38 States


Trend detection applied
to every local market

Analyze markets zip by zip. Effortlessly track, research, and analyze local real estate market prices nationwide by property type in seconds.


Standardized by Zip Code

Standardized by Zip Code

Each price marker is placed at the center of each zip code's coordinates. These markers reflect the most recent last sold price per square foot in that zip code and are updated as soon as new data comes in. Simply hover over each price marker to reveal the corresponding zip code.

Each price marker is placed at the center of each zip code's coordinates. These markers reflect the most recent last sold price per square foot in that zip code and are updated as soon as new data comes in. Simply hover over each price marker to reveal the corresponding zip code.


Uncover local trends in real time

Effortlessly navigate between local markets by clicking on the price markers to get a quick glimpse of how a certain type of property is performing. We cover the four main types of properties sold in the residential market.






Uncover local trends in real time

Effortlessly navigate between local markets by clicking on the price markers to get a quick glimpse of how a certain type of property is performing. We cover the four main types of properties sold in the residential market.





Click the Full Analysis button to dive deeper into detailed information about sold prices, market activity, and demographics data for each zip code.

Price Updates

As new data comes in daily, the charts are updated instantly to reflect these changes, just like the stock market.


Dig into local markets, instantly

Dig into local markets, instantly

Click the Full Analysis button to dive deeper into detailed information about sold prices, market activity, and demographics data for each zip code.

Click the Full Analysis button to dive deeper into detailed information about sold prices, market activity, and demographics data for each zip code.

Median $/Sqft Sold Trends

Median Sold Trends

Sold Volume Trends

Individual Properties Sold

Sold Price vs Year Built Metrics

Sold Property Age Distribution

Percentage and Value Changes

Full Demographics Analysis

Price Updates

As new data comes in daily, the charts are updated instantly to reflect these changes, just like the stock market.

Chart Data

Each data point on our price charts represents the median price for that month. The current month's data is continuously updated in real-time as new sold data comes in daily. Once we enter a new month, the previous month's data point is finalized and fixed. If no properties were sold in a given month within a certain zip code, that month's data point will not be displayed, and the chart will skip to the next available month with sold data to maintain a continuous trend line.

Click the Full Analysis button to dive deeper into detailed information about sold prices, market activity, and demographics data for each zip code.


Analyze Demographics

Access demographics data specific to each zip code.

Home Ownership

Median Income

Population Age

Race & Ethnicity

Marital Status

Education and Unemployment

Data Source

We source demographics data from the Census Bureau, IRS, and ACS, parsing and segmenting it by zip code for accuracy and specificity.


View various demographic data metrics and statistical distributions.


Analyze Demographics

Access demographics data specific to each zip code.


View various demographic data metrics and statistical distributions.

Home Ownership

Median Income

Population Age

Race & Ethnicity

Marital Status

Education and Unemployment

Data Source

We source demographics data from the Census Bureau, IRS, and ACS, parsing and segmenting it by zip code for accuracy and specificity.


Screen Sold Properties

Utilize the Property Screener tool to filter all sold properties up to two years ago by property type within a zip code. Narrow down your criteria based on the number of beds and baths.

Filtered Results

You can download the filtered results as a CSV file or add properties of interest to your list.


Screen Sold Properties

Utilize the Property Screener tool to filter all sold properties up to two years ago by property type within a zip code. Narrow down your criteria based on the number of beds and baths.

Filtered Results

You can download the filtered results as a CSV file or add properties of interest to your list.


Perform Comps, Swiftly

Input your prospective property address into the Comps section, and Plexerr will promptly retrieve comparables sold within a specified radius or a zip code, providing instant measurements of comps against your subject property.


Your List, and CSV Downloads

Add properties of interest that you wish to monitor to your list and download it as needed. You can include data from either the Screener or the Comps section for tracking and analysis

Download Button

Click on the green CSV button located at the top of data tables in Plexerr to instantly download the information currently displayed.


Property URL

Click on the property URL link icon next to each property record, and Plexerr will automatically input the corresponding address into either one of the top three leading real estate websites. This allows you to easily access more specific details and view pictures of the property.

Opens in New Tab

Please note that Plexerr provides links to third-party real estate websites for your convenience. We do not control or endorse the content, accuracy, or availability of these external sites. Users are encouraged to verify all information independently.


Perform Comps, Swiftly

Input your prospective property address into the Comps section, and Plexerr will promptly retrieve comparables sold within a specified radius or a zip code, providing instant measurements of comps against your subject property.

Data Coverage


Your List, and CSV Downloads

Add properties of interest that you wish to monitor to your list and download it as needed. You can include data from either the Screener or the Comps section for tracking and analysis

Download Button

Click on the green CSV button located at the top of data tables in Plexerr to instantly download the information currently displayed.

CSV Downloads

Download the data you add to your list, the data you screen, and the comp data, in a convenient CSV file format.

Property URL Links

Property URL links can be found throughout the Plexerr web app, including in the Full Analysis tab, My List, Comps, and the Screener.


Property URL

Click on the property URL link icon next to each property record, and Plexerr will automatically input the corresponding address into either one of the top three leading real estate websites. This allows you to easily access more specific details and view pictures of the property.

Opens in New Tab

Please note that Plexerr provides links to third-party real estate websites for your convenience. We do not control or endorse the content, accuracy, or availability of these external sites. Users are encouraged to verify all information independently.

Data Coverage


Available in 38 States

Our platform is built on sold property data prices. Currently, we provide sold property data for all 38 states where sale prices are publicly disclosed by local counties.

11,000+ Zip Codes Covering Officially Incorporated Cities and Towns Across 38 States

Incorporated cities or towns are defined as areas with a population of at least 5,000 residents, representing where the majority of the U.S. population resides.

Our covered zip codes encompass 92% of the total population across these 38 states.

Data Availability

Available in 38 States where public record sale prices are disclosed by local counties


New Data Uploaded Daily

Newly sold properties are added to the platform often within hours of appearing in MLS records. Our information is updated daily and meticulously sourced
to ensure accuracy and timeliness.

20+ MM Sold Property Records

Sold property records are added to our database daily, continuously expanding our comprehensive dataset.

7+ years of historical data

Plexerr currently provides up to 7 years of price data, varying by zip code, covering from 2018 to the present day and continuing to expand.

Data Source

We source our sold data records from local public county records and trusted real estate API providers, ensuring a multi-sourced, regularly updated, cleaned, and enhanced dataset.


Available in 38 States

Our platform is built on sold property data prices. Currently, we provide sold property data for all 38 states where sale prices are publicly disclosed by local counties.

11,000+ Zip Codes Covering Officially Incorporated Cities and Towns Across 38 States

Incorporated cities or towns are defined as areas with a population of at least 5,000 residents, representing where the majority of the U.S. population resides.

Our covered zip codes encompass 92% of the total population across these 38 states.


New Data Uploaded Daily

Newly sold properties are added to the platform often within hours of appearing in MLS records. Our information is updated daily and meticulously sourced to ensure accuracy and timeliness.

20+ MM Sold Property Records

Sold property records are added to our database daily, continuously expanding our comprehensive dataset.

7+ years of historical data

Plexerr currently provides up to 7 years of price data, varying by zip code, covering from 2018 to the present day and continuing to expand.


Essentially, our quest
here at Plexerr

Trend Detection

Track market trends and identify lucrative opportunities effectively.

Daily updates

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in local real estate markets across the nation.

Market coverage

Covering comprehensive data for all states where public record sales data are available.

Informed Decisions

Make better-informed decisions with enhanced accuracy and confidence.

Deal Analysis

Compare potential deals to current market prices and trends to gain a better understanding of their value and investment potential.

Confident Ventures

Enter new markets with greater confidence by being better-informed.


Start making smarter decisions,
Choose a plan


$0 /month

If you're Curious about Real Estate

Limited Last Sold Data Map

6-Month Historical Price Trend Data

Data Coverage in 38 states



$12 /month

If you're Serious about Real Estate

Everything in Free, plus:

Unlimited Access to Data Map

Full Market Analysis by Zip Code

Up to 7 Years of Historical Price Data

Demographics Data Per Zip Code

Property Screener

Property Comps

My List & CSV Downloads

Free Tier

Cancel anytime

Fast Email Support

More Details on Plans


$0 /month

If you're Curious about Real Estate

Data Coverage in 38 states

Last Sold Data Map

4 Property Types

Latest Sold Price Per Sqft in Every Zip Code

Median Sold Price Per Sqft Trend Analysis: Past 6 Months

Full Market Analysis by Zip Code

Property Screener

Property Comps

My List

CSV Downloads


$12 /month

If you're Serious about Real Estate

Data Coverage in 38 states

Last Sold Data Map

4 Property Types

Latest Sold Price Per Sqft in Every Zip Code

Median Sold Price Per Sqft Trend Analysis: Past 6 Months

Full Market Analysis by Zip Code

Median Sold Price Per Sqft Trend Analysis: Past 7 Years

Median Sold Price Trend Analysis: Past 7 Years

Sold Volume Chart Analysis: Past 7 Years

Individual Sold Properties List in Selected Zip Code: Past 2 Years

Sold Price vs. Price Per Sqft Scatter Chart: Past 2 Years

Age Distribution: Quantity Sold vs. Year Built: Past 2 Years

Median Price Per Sqft vs. Year Built: Past 2 Years

Median Sold Price vs. Year Built: Past 2 Years

Total Population by Zip Code

Home Ownership Ratio by Zip Code

Total Housing Units by Zip Code

Median Household Income and Income Distribution by Zip Code

Median Population Age and Age Distribution by Zip Code

Race and Ethnicity Data by Zip Code

Marital Status by Zip Code

Education Level Data and Distribution by Zip Code

Labor Force Participation Percentage by Zip Code

Poverty Guidline Percentage by Zip Code

Median Commute Time Reported by Zip Code

Property Screener

4 Property Types

Screen by Zip Code

Filter by Beds & Baths

Screen Sold Properties up to Past 2 Years

Property Comps

4 Property Types

Pull Comps around an Address up to Past 2 Years

Pull Comps Sold within same Zip Code up to Past 2 Years

Property Comparables Analysis

Property Comparables Time Series Analysis

Property Comparables Sold Price Per Sqft vs Year Built Chart

Property Comparables Sold Price vs Year Built Chart

Individual Comparabels Sold List

My List

Save Screened Properties from the Screener to your List

Save Comparable Properties from the Property Comparables to Your List

CSV Downloads

Download Individual Properties directly from the Property Screener results

Download Individual Properties directly from the Property Comparable results

Download Saved Properties from Your List


Below are live demo videos that showcase the features and functionalities of the major Pro tabs in detail. These videos provide a comprehensive overview of the platform's capabilities.

We suggest playing the videos at 1.5x speed


Why use Plexerr?

How does Plexerr help me as Real Estate professional?

How accurate and comprehensive is Plexerr's data?

Why do some zip codes seem to have incomplete or non-continuous data charts?


Detect your next big deal

Start Today

Unlock America's
Housing Market

The Real Estate Market Data Platform for Investors, Agents, Lenders and Appraisers.

Streamline and Accelerate your real estate market research and analysis. Access standardized sold property data, view real-time price trends, analyze demographics data, perform comps, CSV exports and more—all in one convenient platform.